Good morning everybody today is actually still Tuesday
May 9th or 2023 you will see this on a Thursday May 11th
The reason for that is because I will be in Miami Florida for the reawakened America Tour this weekend
On May 12th and the 13th was this Friday and Saturday I’m so excited to be at this event
If you do want more information
Description box below and I do have a link
And therefore you also you’ll see me back in the office for just a couple days I will be pretty
Recording again
Because I’ll be in Tulsa Oklahoma
May 20th
For one day I healing Revival event with Marty and Jenny Grisham
From loudmouth prayer I’m so excited for that one as well
You do like more information on that event you can click on the description box below and I do have that link in there for
And if you do have any prayer requests or praise report please go to our website and jgm international.org under our contact
Backpage Rican rice at Julie green Ministries International
And all the information our contact information is there as well
And we do have a very very powerful prayer team here for those who do not know that
We pray over viewers and all our partners every single day we love you we pray
Appreciate you and we thank you for your prayers we thank you for your love and support
And I we can’t do it without
Each everyone of you and remember God has put us all together for such a time as this
Of course none of us can do anything
Without our heavenly father so
Even though it may be dark times
God is the light in the midst of all that Darkness

And he is the answer to every problem
That we are facing today
Around the world
Now today’s prophetic word that
I heard this on May 2nd
It’s called God’s hand is moving like never
I am the god that brings down anything that’s evil
That goes before you
I’m still that same God
As I’ve spoken in my words my words are like thunder
The Thunders noise to your enemies
And your enemy
Runs in Starkiller
When I open my mouth
And I speak
Four children there is one thing that you have to know
I need you to speak the words right now
My words
Because I do speak my words with bonus I just speak my words
The words that I have need spoken daily
Those words go forth in the world you have no idea what damage it does to your enemy
That’s why he’s try to Muzzle you that’s why he’s trying to take your freedoms
That’s the reason why he’s trying to destroy your ability to go into churches
That’s why he’s destroyed churches themselves and brought them into such deception and frustration the body
Audi price
Because a child the most high God
Your adversary knows
When you speak my words
The power in the story that goes through those words
The damage
That it does to your enemy
So if you know
You are a child of most high God and if you know when you speak my words of authority
How much power that goes for
Of your mouth
These are not just any words
And it’s not just any power
It’s mine
Is my words
It’s my power
When all my children speak my words is shaking that will occur
You’re coming close to a point in time
Where my children will have Center Stage
They will have the power in their hands
The power
They didn’t have before
Well they did
They just didn’t know about it
My children were deceived
But my children will take their place
Yeah so take their place
Where they belong
My phone I remind you this will be a short time because there’s an end coming
There’s an end
The time is almost running up
A run-up
The time of man
What you mean by that Lord
What do I mean
As that there is a day Drawing Near
Play tribulation will be Grant will begin excuse me
You will not have to partake in this
But after I 7 years
Oba time of 1000 year reign
My children this is the time between now and the start of the tribulation
Many things will have to change many things will have to shift too many things will look different
They’ll be no
Such thing as normal
The level of my glory will be something that the Earth
Has never known
To this level
There’s been a great battle a war
You would say against my children
And a lot of them are just giving up and quitting and saying this this is it this is it this is the end
This Is the End
No it’s not
Isoi plans
Are you at church
That’s without spot or wrinkle
Are you the church that hell hasn’t prevailed against yet
The model my glory that needs to be poured out
Has not reached that point yet
Has that reach those levels yet
Your enemy has burden you down with cares and worries of this world
So many distractions it too numerous to count
Why do you think I’ve said it
So many of these words to stay focus on me
Stay focused on me because distractions are great
The distractions of your enemies
Have been great
But nothing
Is greater than me
Wake up
Get Up Stand Up and fight
Stand up and speak my words
Get my written words in your mouth
I have said this time and time again
But now
Is not a time to play Church
Now it’s not a time to sit back on the sidelines
Now the time is to take
My authority that I’ve given to you
Take the power and authority of that name
That I’ve given to you
No the blood that I have shed for you know the blood Covenant
Get a hold of it
Speak it declare it decree it
And watch your enemies scatter
Before your face
Because they scatter
Before mine
A great separation is taking place as we speak
As I’m speaking these words
As I speak
As I speak to God
All I know you said we speak
Yes because I’m having a conversation
That again
As I’m speaking these words
And as you speak to me
God Of Heaven in Earth
You said we speak
Yes because I’m having a conversation with my children
I’m speaking to you I need you to listen have ears to hear
Listen to my words
Will these words
Them down into your heart
Speak words of life everyday
Speak words of blessing everyday
Speak words of Health everyday
Speak words of prosperity
Yes I said it
It’s not an evil word
It means
More than just money
Speak these things over yourself
Don’t let the enemy Take You Down
Was religion and legalism
Take this word speak them
Speak my written words
Their power
Speak my words
Their spirit
Speak my words because our life
Speak my written words because our house
And healing to your flesh
Speak my words and yes Prosperity will come speak my words and destruction to you and me will come
Your lies will change when you get the revelation
I’m not just speaking any words
But speaking mine
I said in my word you don’t live by bread alone
But by every word that proceeds out of
Your mouth
My children get this revelation
Hold on hold fast to it
Because your world
Is about to shake
Your world is about to Shake in a way it’s never shaking me for
A shaking in a breaking loose
The time has come
Yes like Gideon’s Army
I separated the ones who refuse to believe
The ones who would stand
And dare to believe no matter what they face
Is that a number that I need
It’s just a faith in my people’s heart
That they dare to believe me
So stand up today
Stand up against all adversity set up against that enemy and Shout my words and watch them depart from your
Watching the part out of your homes watch him depart
Don’t just speak them
Speak them
Speak them with authority
And I will give it to you
I will pour I’ll prove to you soon I’ll prove to you
But I’m the same one
The same God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob
I’m so the most high God I’m so look. It sits on the throne
And now
My children will see the works of my hand
Works that man
Has never known
Not like this
So hold on
Hold tight
There’s a Shakin goin on
With this shaking it will bring freedom
And my glory
Never known to mankind
The Lord
No there’s so many powerful things that he’s talking about in his prophetic works and a guinea talking about
Power Authority Dominion
He’s talking about words
He’s been staying in so many his prophetic words about the Power of Words and then this win is for
Prophetic word you said
Don’t just say any words
Say mine
I did not give an example
Time and time again
Situation my own life including my children when
They almost died in front of me
It’s happened more than once
Two more than one of my children
I couldn’t just have any words in that situation
I had to have
The words
Which are God’s words
Because the word that he gave me to speak
Those wars were life
To my children that death was trying to grab
Jamie very specific words and it was my choice and my will whether I said them
Or whether I didn’t
Whether I believe them
Weather I didn’t
Whether I was overwhelmed with fear
Or I would stand and say
Despite what I saw
We have power
Other word of God
Does this word
In Colossians
Giving thanks the father this is clawson’s 112
Giving thanks the father was qualified and made his bid to shut up or send it which is an inheritance of a sayings
God’s holy people in the light
Listen to this
Sorry hit the microphone
Bursar Tina father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and the Dominion of Darkness
It has transferred us and was Kingdom of his son of his love
In whom we have Redemption through his blood which means the Forgiveness of her since now it talks about how we’ve been drawn
Out of the kingdom of darkness
How have you been drawn out of the Kingdom
Darkness because of what Jesus did on that cross
Because what Jesus say when he went to hell in our place that’s how we’ve been drawn out of the dark
Gustavus world
And what are the things that says
How do you use Authority
I say Frances back in the day when they were Kings
How did King use Authority can use Authority with his words
He decreed a thing they wrote it down and it was law
He had a speaker words in order to declare or decrease I’m going to make it into a lot
That’s how you
You speak the words you declare me to cramp and it can change things how do we know that
In the beginning of the Bible God said
And like was
And he said in Genesis chapter 1
In verse 26
We’ve been made an image and likeness of
She said it is worried he’s giving us complete Authority that’s Genesis 1 26 or 28 is given his power
God spoke the world into existence with words
Words change
Things word matter even Joe said in a joke chapter 6A talks about
Let me go back
To Jobe
Job chapter 6
And it’s verse
And he was talking about in
In here you talk about how forcible were right words
Stop switching it here
Flipping over the page all right
Drumsticks and versus re24
Teach me and I will hold my tongue
Cause me to understand where I have aired
Numbers 25
How forceful are right
I talked about here in the word
Matthew chapter 12
And verse 36
But I will tell you on the day of judgement men will have to give account for Every Idle inoperative non-working worth
They speak
First 37:4 by your words will be justified and acquitted and by your words you will be condemned
Damn door sentence
Words matter
It also talked about
In the Old Testament talks about how
I’m in Proverbs more than 12 talks about how important words are
Life and death in the power of the tongue
Life and death are in the power of the tongue for so many different scriptures that I cannot get into today
About the power of words I’ve no I’ve done teachings on the power of words before I’m more like they had to go back over and doom
More teachers on the power of words because I don’t know if it was you know back of the ones where I was kicked off you
YouTube so they’re not out there anymore so have to check
And see if there are on Rumble
But there are power
Powerful Revelation ^ words
And what God is telling us to do he’s the one who gives us the right word
He’s one who gives us the power to he’s one was give us a 32 Mini
He said in Luke 10:19 please give us all Power Authority and dominion over all the power of the enemy possessive
And nothing is showing any way harm you
How do you use a thorny against your enemy you speak the words of God you speak the written word so spoke
This is diesel the Rhema word or the written word of God the written word of God or the Rhema word that God gives to you
I said Francis like when I heard
The word with my son when he was dying
He said
Oxygen to flow and blood to flow I had no idea what that meant he said speak oxygen to flow blood
The flow
Those are the words that God was given to me for that particular situation regarding my son
On that day
And I spoke those exact words it was in two minutes life came back
Into my son
Because they were not just any words
They were God’s words
And they were the right words that had to be spoken in a situation that I didn’t know it was going on in his body
He was dry drowning he had to swallow water in the lake
We know when he went underwater we came back up
Because he was a very good swimmer swimmer but we didn’t know what was going on with him he had water in his lung and he was dry
We didn’t know that at the same time she was so Davila dehydrated his organs were shutting down
Again we hit it no
We couldn’t see we only we saw the what was going on with his body but we didn’t know what the cause of
He was a healthy 17 year old
So we had no idea
The underlying issues that we’re going on
And I had to write
Right then to choose
Either I was going to choose life
Or I could choose fear and that death could have came over him
But I love the most about that situation
Is it before medical intervention
Could taking the credit for it
I saw God
Give life back to my child
Where Satan was trying to take
You can be in a situation of life or death
And you can make that choice no matter how no matter how you are feeling
Because you can feel overwhelmed you can feel like
I don’t want to do I had a choice that day
Remember I was a person
You just heard some of might some of them just a little bit of my testimony that’s night
I could go
Long time talking about it because how bad my life was
Physically spiritually everything
I had a choice to be that fearful person I used to be
Or a choice to believe God
He will give you that strength that ability he will give you those right words he will give you that Authority he will give you are
Everything you need in every particular situation that you’re facing every time
Without fail
Don’t to go back over his work cuz there’s so many things that are in this prophetic word that I just said they’re so powerful
He says watch
With what
Go back and read above
You’re worth your world’s about to shake anyways never shaken before as shaking and a breaking loose the time has come
Yes I can get Ian’s Army
When I separated
Want to refuse
To believe
The ones who would stand and dare to believe no matter what they face
He says it’s not a number
But I need is just a faith in my people’s heart that they dare to believe me
Every dare to believe him so staying up today
Stand up against adversity set up against an enemy shout my words and watch and depart from your situation
Show God’s words and Satan will depart out of your situations remember
The enemy scattered before God’s face
They scatter before guys Wars why because
The word the word of God is his written word of God is a two-edged sword against the enemy
It’s weapon
Is a woman that’s why God says open your mouth and use that weapon
So Santa today and stayed up against your adversity stand up against an enemy shot my words in Washington Park near situation
Washing Department of your homes Washington Park don’t just speak them
Speak that you speak with authority that I given to you I will prove to you that I am the same one
The god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob I’m so the most I got I’m still I still selling that that from
And now my children will see that the works of my hands
Work that man has never known not like this
So hold
On sorry
The hold height
There’s a shaking going on
With this shaking it will bring freedom my glory never known to mankind before
So what does God say we need to shout don’t just speak the word
I’m stating I resist you
No I stayed not resist you in Jesus name
Is James 4:7 resist the devil and he what he must
Play from you
Think about it when you’re speaking God’s word think about as a store that just piercing your enemy
It’s a weapon
Against your enemy uses for Sibley
Against him
It’s like
You seen a cartoon or movie and it’s like they have like a flimsy knife and you touch something and it just like classes
Speak the words of God
Speak with Force
Your enemy has to know that you know
But you know the power and authority of the name of Jesus
The Power Authority of the word of God
Three sides with words
Get them down into your heart speak words of life everyday speak words of blessing everyday speak words of Health everyday
For the prosperity everyday yes I said it it’s not even worried that doesn’t just
Means more than just money
And it means more than just money so give me but speak these things over you don’t let the enemy take you down with religion or League
Take these words speak and speak my written words their power speak my written words are spirit stick my
Pirate words because their life speak my written words because their health and healing to your flash stick my words and yes
Prosperity woke up speak my words and destruction to your enemy, your lies will change when you get the revelation of
Not just speaking any words
But speaking mine
I said in my word you don’t live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of your mouth
Do my children get this revelation
Trevon Hill faster
Because your world about touche
She said get the revelation of destruction of the word of God to your enemy’s plans
Lease on you to speak life he’s telling you what to do
If you have express running situations you think Speak Life into your marriage Speak Life into your children Speak Life into your body
Speak Life into your finances Speak Life into your parents speak like whatever it is speak like big life into urination speaker
Life is your governess
Speak Life big blessing split the opposite of what you say
Memory by what we see we’re supposed to walk by faith and not by sight we’re supposed to speak to opposite call Jose
That is in Romans 4:16 17 on Roll Rida
Esporta speak what God tells us to speak
Not to speak how we feel dog speak out you feel dear Lord don’t do that because that’s how your enemy get you
He get your by feelings
Lady sang a great separation is taking place as we speak as I’m speaking these words as they speak to God
You and every speak to God
Heaven on Earth
And we speak together
Brought one
You you said we speak
And as we speak
You said we speak yes because I’m having a conversation with my children I’m speaking to you I need
You to listen have ears to hear listen to my words
I’m going to have to go back
And get that because I might have missed a couple words here
In this translation so I apologize for that but I’ll get those right words that God is saying to
Because you talking about how
As he speaking to us
And we are having a conversation he says we speak
And he says yes because I’m having a conversation with my children
That’s what prayer is a prayer is having a conversation with him
It’s not just Rico speaking to say everything we want to send it off our chests and we will walk out of a prayer closet
Prayer is having a fellowship and having a conversation with god
Remember he said that Isaiah 55:11 his words are not returning invoice so you can say heavenly father have a situation of my
This is what the doctor said the doctor is giving me a terminal
You said
That you was lonely for you satisfy me
And I thank you by Jesus Stripes I’m Healed and I thank you Father God no matter how I feel no matter what’s going on I choose life
I think about death cannot hold me death cannot keep me I thank you because Jesus has the one who’s giving me the choice of life
That’s different
You’re speaking to God beer speaking God’s worse than him
And his words are not return void and he’s faithful to perform his words
So get the word of God down into your heart
Because they focus on me
Because of distractions are great
Oh yes they are distractions are great right now the destruction of your enemies
Have has been great
Nothing is greater than me Wake Up Get Up Stand Up and fight
Lenny said
And set up and speak my words get my written words in your mouth I said it time and time again
But now the time
Now the not a time to play Church what does that mean
Just a go to church
Here are your teaching
Haven’t filled make yourself feel good and then walk out
Demonstration of the spirit of God and no demonstration of healing miracles signs and wonders Revelation now
Have it for me 83 where it change you where you leave church services and you’re not the same
So is that possible yes
You can go to church and not leave the same way you came in
Because the presence of God you’re always being at your service
If it’s not then you have to ask yourself is God really there
He says but it’s not a time to play Church
Now is not a time to sit back on the sidelines now the time is to take my authority that I’ve given to you take the power and authority of the
That name
That I’ve given to you know that blood that I’ve said for you know the blood Covenant get a hold of it speak it.
Frederick the create Watcher enemy scatter before your face because it’s got to be for mine praise the Lord
They do
Now he’s talking about
The church because a lot of people think that there is no they’re getting just everything ready just to go and get out of here
It is time that it says the time of the end
And I said that’s not true no wasn’t he says there is been a great battle a war you would say against my children
In a lot of them are just giving up and quitting and saying this is it this is it this is Aunt this is an
No it’s not I still have plans
Are you at church that without spot and wrinkle
God said he’s coming back
For church without spot or wrinkle
He’s talking about the catching away the Rapture of the church
And I know that’s in a ruffle people’s fathers because
Rapture is not in the Bible if you look up a catching away in the book of Thessalonians that’s a Greek or Hebrew is
So I had to do another dude teaching about the tribulation. And the Rapture I’m not going to get into that today because I’ll have
Weather is such a thing
Because God says his children are not appointed to wrath again I can go into a lot of that
Are you at church.
Without spot and wrinkle
Jesus I just come back watch while spot and wrinkle we are not there yet
Looks like right now in the in a natural he’s like the body of Christ has a lot of wrinkles and a lot of spots
Pretty sad
Are you the church that hell has that prevailed against
Where the church that hell will not Prevail against
Why because we’re going to have such great glory and Revival the lights of the world has never seen before
This is too good to be true.
I’m sure the children Israel thought that about getting out of Egypt to
It was too good to be true
It was a good turnout only be saved out of that slavery but also walk away with all the wealth of Egypt to
That was too good to be true right
What time’s the Bible where that’s just too good to be true
Who is saying those words
Your enemy
Because God is absolutely good
He does know the amount of Glory that needs report out has not reached that point yet
Have not reached those levels yet your enemy has burning you down with cares and worries of this world so many distractions into new
Mercer County
Why do you think I’ve said so many things that my words they focus on me
Again I guess example so many times when we talk about focus when God gave the example of Jesus walking on the water
Peter walked out and stepped out his focus on Jesus we took his folks out Jesus he sank
When is Real Talk their focus on God
They did not walk into the promised land and they were one around the Wilderness for 40 years because they took their focus off God
You connect a focus on God and not get what guy so desired for them
Let’s not be those people
Leftfield people that will not Prevail against let’s get to that point we ask God
Call danas Glory he said we have not because we ask not asking for let’s praise and worship him
His glory is going to be seen on this earth like never before his hand is moving like never before
Praise the Lord he said it’s all here for such a time as this and we’re going to receive something in the world has ever received before
He says many things will change many things will change and we’ll have to ship too many things will look different
They’ll be no such thing as normal
Right now we’ve lived normal lives well pretty much it seems like we haven’t lived a normal life since before covid
Before leaving before called when it wasn’t normal that was not a normal that God wanted us to know
He’s at the level of my glory we something that the Earth has never known not to this level
Where is it a lot of Glory of God before
Not like this
He’s at the other state the day is drawing near where the tribulation will begin you will not park or you will not
Not take part
In this
Again there’s a scripture look it up
Google it
Or whatever I search for it
That God’s people are not appointed to Wrath
Look up that scripture God’s children are not appointed to Wrath of godspeed when I pointed the rap
Why do I say that because tribulation is God’s Wrath
A lot of people think we have partaken that and we don’t
That’s another deception in the body of Christ right now
That we just have to be a part of tribulation. No we don’t and we’re not in it yet
People that talk about the body of Christ that we are part of the tribulation we’re going through tribulation no we’re not
We’re not in Tribulation. At
If we were tribulation. I promise you things are much worse than that go read the book of Revelation
You think things are bad now there ain’t nothing compared to what’s going to happen in the Book of Revelation
It’s worse or worst
He’s at then of course when I 7 years you can find that in the Book of Daniel
And after the seven years old be a time
Where will be in the tribulation
The people who will believe about a rapture
The people will believe that they’re not a phone into it
Will not be here but at time of rapture
Right time of the tribulation excuse me
Will be in heaven for 7 years
Then after that we’ll come back down for the Thousand-Year reign
Again all the scriptures
I am not giving you anything that’s not biblical
Do some study on tribulation do some study on the Book of Revelation I don’t know how many times I’ve read the book of
That’s the only book in the Bible where it says you’re blessed because you’re right it
That’s the first chapter in book Revelation talks about your boss for eating it
God will give you the revelation of it don’t be afraid of it
I don’t know anything we’re going to say Julie you’re wrong about tribulation
Prove me wrong
Please go study please do read it
Send me information
But I’m telling you
Many years of studying The Book of Revelation many years of startling revelation
Videos of hearing passwords and teachers talk about it
Getting God’s revelation on it
This is not something I do speak lightly on I’m very Bowl when it comes to it
But if I’m wrong
You’ll be the first one to know cuz I will tell you I promise you I’m not too prideful to say I made a mistake you guys know I said all time
I make mistake I’m going to tell you I made a mistake
I’m not perfect person
I can make a mistake
Dino God
And I know he said we are not appointed to that wrath
All right now
Be careful because there was a Snapchats going on around the church now
Things really got into the churches
And got people to believe a lie
Short time because there’s an incoming there is an n
Others and it’s almost running up the timing of man the timing a man with seven thousand years
From an atom
Was here
And the curse came in there 7000 years
And we’re almost at that. Why cuz that little sliver right before the end of that
The seven-year tribulation is the end of that
End of the 7th or the
There is an end
There is times almost up the time of man and what do you mean by that lard
What do you mean talks about that’s why I just said You by strangulation
Where my children will have Center Stage
We’re going to have Center Stage before we leave people trust me you were going to notice and tribulation. When I bought it
Crisis missing cuz right now they wouldn’t
Not enough because the world doesn’t take the body of Christ seriously enough
Is that the power that they didn’t have before they did
I just didn’t know about it so we’ve had power and authority the name of Jesus we just didn’t know about it because
Isaiah 46 I God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
Because my children were deceived
But my children will take their place yes I’ll take their place
Where they belong
I’m going to go up and read
The top paragraph that brings down everything that’s evil that goes before you I’m still the same
Thank God
But I’ve spoken in my words my words are like thunder the Thunder is noise your enemies yes and your your enemy runs and stop
Dark Terror when I open my mouth and I speak
That’s why it’s so important to get God’s words in your mouth when you open up your mouth and you speak the words of God’s like Thunders noise your enemy
And it makes your enemy running start error pray the Lord for that revelation
Is that for my children there is one thing that you have to know I need you to speak the words right now my words
Because as you speak my words with bonus as you speak my words of words I am need spoken daily as words go for
In the world you have no idea what damage it does to your enemy that’s why he’s trying to Muzzle you
That’s why in 2020
We had babies over our faces
That’s why he’s trying to take your freedom that’s the reason why he’s try to destroy your ability to go into churches
Why you think they put Mass over our face and why do you think they would like to sing in church
Are you kidding me
Gimme a Break
That’s the reason why you’re trying to destroy your buddy going to churches
They did
We try to restore your Bluetooth so you couldn’t go to church
Because we were not essential
Churches were not essential that’s a
Although say crap I really shouldn’t use that one
All right now
That’s why he’s asteroid charges themselves and brought in such a deception and frustration of body of Christ because it’s Alamo side
Your enemy knows when you speak my words the power the Thor that goes through
Those were that damage that does to your enemy so if you know that you are a child of most high God if you know when you see
Speak my words with authority how much power that goes forth out of your mouth
If you knew how much Power Authority goes out of our mouths
These are not just any words
It’s not just any power it’s mine is my words it’s my power with the All My Children speak my words are shaking that will occur
Will coming close to a point in time
Beyond center stage and then goes on and talks about that
This is a great time to be alive
The cheerleader nuts
It stinks
I know that’s why I feel like you know at times but that’s not what God wants us to said God wants us to see it doesn’t even know how
How dark it is impossible it is ridiculous it seems God is greater she’s light isn’t destroyed all the dark
It’s not going to stay that way it’s not time for the Great Tribulation yet it is not time for the One World Government yet even though they said
Center Stage they tried to destroy everything right before our face know now the time for justice now the time for the bike ride
Price of Wake Up Get Up Stand Up and now the time for us to take our authority to be that church without spot and wrinkle to be that
Angel that hell will not Prevail against us of the time to start Frank and when we pray we get results
Because we believe the words that are coming out of my mouth we’re not just hoping and wishing we have faith in God like never before
You’re getting loud and you’re preaching really really loud yeah
Well I get excited
I’ll get time to myself.
I get loud
Cuz I get excited
Get excited today
You are on the right side get excited today because you are a child the most I got get excited today because you
You are
Special to almighty God has a plan for you is a purpose for you
Do us no lies the enemy that you were too weak you’re too frail you’re too sinful you are unworthy you are on
To you too fearful you’re too afraid you’re too weak
No don’t listen to those things with Ally from the pedophile
You can do all things through Christ who strengthen any of you can do all things through Christ
Now your ability doesn’t asking you do these things on your own
He’s asking you to trust him
Will you try some today
He is the same God
Thank God you deliver those children
Who was with and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego use the same God was dandelions and he was the same God with David and Goliath
The same God with the children of Israel here walking around Jericho in those walls
They brought him down
Is a same
Today and forever and he’s your dad
Now and forever each other want to be thanking praise you right now to each and every one of your children
Have a greater revelation of who you are that you are still on the throne that you are still the most I got to do our
The god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and I find that Spirit of deception and I find that Spirit of religion and I buy
Find the spirit of legalism and I find that Spirit of worry and fear and anxiety and doubt and unbelief
I rebuke you in every lie that you’ve been told the churches that was not the word of God that was not true about.
I rebuke those and I command those assignments are broken off of you right now in Jesus name and I thank you Father God
There is a breaking loose in a Breaking Free of those chains that have held your people back for who they are
Are any revelation of the greater one on the inside of us a revelation that we are the army of the Lord the revelation
Not Prevail against revelation
Jesus a power and authority the name of Jesus is above every name and I thank you Father God
Addition everyone of them are getting to know who you are
Forgetting to know whose they are
Child of the most high God and that you rain in them you dwell in them
The greater one lives on the inside of SI units in the world
I thank you Father God ever greater Revelation that they’re not alone a greater revelation of the blood of the Covenant that we have with you
And I think it was time of refreshing for this time
Professional effects like either time of revelation of time
Father God I just brush Manna From Heaven everyday
The time we’re getting to know you more
We think if we get to know you
We think it would get to love on you think we get to fellowship with you
And we thank you Father God for choosing us all for such a time as this
Thank you in Jesus name
Amen amen
You are not who the World As You Are
You’re not who you’re mine says you are
You are not who your circumstances that you are
You are who God says
You’re an overcomer
You are world-changer
God is got something special for each and everyone of you
What helps encourage you today please like subscribe and share and give us everyone you know who needs are and encouraging
So nice to hear the truth because it truth will set you free. Loves you I love you
God bless you and have a wonderful day

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